Hello + goodbye

I can’t believe that it has been more than two months since I last posted!

Actually, I can. It’s been a while since I’ve felt the urge to bake and even longer since I’ve had the motivation to blog about something I’ve baked. While I’ve been busy and am trying my best to get vaguely healthy again and blah blah blah, I think it’s also time for me to admit that this blog has, unfortunately, run its course.

I didn’t really know where this blog was going to go when I started it in February 2012 – I’d started to bake quite regularly and wanted somewhere to deposit my recipes and have some sort of record of what worked and what didn’t. I’ve definitely succeeded in that respect; I refer back to my blog when I’m baking or cooking more than I thought I would five years later!

I’ve never wanted to make money, or even build a massive following for the blog (although it’s been so gratifying to see the visits grow month by month, with people from all over the world looking up recipes!). Now that I’m baking a lot less often than I used to – although I still cook a fair bit – and the world of food blogging has moved on considerably in the last five years, I think it’s time to hang up the, er, laptop.

I’m in the process of moving the site back to my old URL – theveryhungrybaker.wordpress.com – so none of my posts will disappear; they’ll just have a new URL. Who knows, I might even keep posting there every now and then if I come up some fantastic new recipes!

If you want to keep track of what I make anyway, whether it’s from a new recipe or something that’s already out there, please do follow me on Instagram where I’ll keep posting photos of things that I make. You can also keep an eye on the baking and cooking recipes that interest me by following me on Pinterest.

That’s about it. I do feel a bit sad about scaling back the blog, but it does feel like the right time. Thank you so much for reading and commenting on my posts and, most of all, making my recipes! It has meant a lot to me.

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